I just wanted to take a moment and let you know that I understand and empathize with having food restrictions. Here at our place we use imported flour and imported pasta. My husband is gluten sensitive and if he eats any domestic flour or gluten he is just miserable.That is why we cook and eat the way we do. Ingredients that are high quality and clean are so important to our family. Many gluten free and some celiac customers buy our bread by the pan to take home and make sandwiches. That is the difference between imported and domestic sprayed flour. If you can eat normally in Europe, you will be just fine eating bread here. Please let us know right away about your allergy or restriction. Be vocal. I do not like wasting food in this economy and we always have something for everyone. I always say that my kitchen is like going to your Nonna's house, let me love you through my food! We always do our best to sanitize, change gloves, wash hands and every person is one pan on our stove, so cross contamination is very, very rare. Please ask us any questions and know we are here for you!
Tanti Baci - Mila
Our Standards
We work so hard to source high quality ingredients!
Our goal for every ingredient that enters Mama Mila’s:
✓ Organic
✓ No Food Dyes
✓ Non-GMO
✓ No Seed Oils
✓ Grass Fed
Allergy Key
Click Here or Scroll Down to View Photos and the Modification Specifics
Unsure of what something is? Check out our full menu with descriptions and prices.
Please let us know about any allergies or food preferences (Vegan/Vegetarian) at the counter, before you order. Even if you don’t think it’s important, we do have garnishes that we will not add if we know.
Dairy Free

Please let us know before you order that you’re DF so that we will not put a Parmesan garnish on your dish.
Gluten Free
We use high quality organic, Non-GMO flour from Italy. If you are gluten sensitive we (including Mateo) often find consuming our pasta and bread does not irritate our stomachs as the high quality flour truly does make a difference. Feel free to ask for a small sample of bread if you’re curious to try it. Check out the bakery case to explore our Gluten Free selection. Please note that you must request a gluten free pasta modification.

Nuts & Seed Oils
We do not use nuts in our pesto or any of the dishes in our main kitchen.
We DO have desserts that contain nuts (Peanut Butter Pie and Carrot Cake are in the regular rotation). We package these desserts in individual containers. We take pre-cautions to avoid cross-contamination by properly sanitizing and using specific utensils when handling these desserts. We do our absolute best to ensure your safety with our protocols. If you are prone to anaphylactic reactions, we recommend that you proceed at your own caution.
Everything made in our kitchen is seed oil free!

Our Focaccia is Vegan! Please let us know that you’re Vegan so that we do not add Parmesan to any of your dishes.

Keto or Carnivore
Going Keto or want something with higher protein?
Add mushrooms
Ask for “The Jim” Salad with or without focaccia crumbles.
Ask for a double portion of meat.
Ask for a dish without pasta.
Grab an extra side of Meatballs or Sausage!